Every campaign is a real war of words. The candidates would do anything to get the votes of the electors or to defeat their opponents. In fact, during the election season the parties try to discredit each other. The streets are flooded with their posters. The media is full of election adverts.
But people also chip on the campaign. They post their messages by writing on the posters.
One of my classmates brought this poster to my attention. It calls us to eat politicians.
Mission: Camera is part of our school project entitled 'Life Through the Lenses' in which we (a group of Hungarian secondary school students) explored some of the most influential photos of the last century, discovering the stories behind the photos, reflecting on their effects on public opinion, becoming acquainted with the life and work of the world-famous Hungarian photographer Robert Capa.
In the final stage of the project we are going to become photojournalists ourselves attempting to capture the reality of Budapest with our cameras focusing on urban life, culture, religion, politics, environment, sports. We will try to view our city through fresh eyes, notice the unnoticed. We are not professionals, but who knows, our photos might challenge our fellow students’ thoughts.
This blog will contain both photos and accounts of the 4-week process of taking photos. And stories... Our stories and the stories of the people from Budapest…
Join our experiment and feel free to express your opinion through English language comments!
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